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Women’s Ministries

Women’s Ministries in the Presbyterian Church of Queensland seeks to encourage, equip and extend women in their everyday lives, enabling them to live their lives to bring Glory to God

WMPCQ is supported by a committee of women in Presbyterian churches throughout Queensland and seeks to network all women within the PCQ. WMPCQ was established by the Presbyterian Church of Queensland Assembly in 2001 operates under the authority of the Committee on Outreach and Nurture.

Since then, the committee has arranged various events intended to minister to the women of the Presbyterian Church in Queensland.

Our Vision

We are convinced that Scripture teaches the importance for the believer of growth in knowledge of God and His Word and an active relationship with Him through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. To this end we seek to help women to desire and develop a growing, vital walk with God. We long to see the resultant impact of the Gospel on women, their workplaces, families, churches and communities, to the glory of God.

Therefore, PCQ Women’s Ministries seeks to:

ENCOURAGE all women
in the development of a personal relationship with God through evangelism, Bible study, prayer and worship and by supporting, guiding and loving them through all the challenges they face as women at all stages of life.

EQUIP all women
spiritually, by providing opportunities and resources for evangelism, sound Bible teaching, prayer and worship and practically, by providing training and resources for a range of life situations relevant to women.

EXTEND all women
by assisting them to discover their God given gifts and abilities and by challenging them to develop and use these appropriately in their homes, workplaces, churches and communities, to the glory of God and for the extension of His kingdom.

Get Connected

As the committee for women in the PCQ, we would love for all women of the PCQ to be connected to our email contacts! Belong to the communication list and receive information about events, resources and other items to encourage your daily walk. Please provide us with your details (name, the name of the church you attend and your email address). Should they change, please make sure you update your details with us.

here is a simple sign up form on the website. If you would prefer a mailed version please post your request to WMPCQ, PCQ Offices, PO Box 510 Spring Hill Qld 4004. So join us, belong to a fantastic network and Get Connected!

Resource: www.pcq.org.au/womens-ministries.php Printed: 2024-09-08
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